What is the ASTM Proficiency Testing Program?
ASTM Proficiency Testing (PTP) programs are statistical quality assurance programs that enable laboratories to assess their performance in the use of ASTM test methods with other laboratories worldwide.
Can I still participate if I am only going to test and submit results for a few of ASTM Methods listed in the scope of the program? Will the participation fee remain the same?
Participation in any PTP is not contingent upon performing all program tests. The participation fee will remain the same no matter how many tests you perform or do not perform.
Do I have to be a member of ASTM?
No. Participation is open to all laboratories from around the world.
Can I receive a discount if I am a member of ASTM?
No. We do not offer discounts for PTP participation if you are a member of ASTM.
Does ASTM honor confidentiality arrangements?
Yes, submit to ptp@astm.org with request.
I have multiple labs to register. How should I handle the registration?
If you have more than one lab to register, you must fill out separate registration forms for each participating location. This is necessary in order to document shipping information for each participating facility.
I want to register for a program, but it looks as if I missed the first test cycle. Can I still sign up?
Yes. You can still register for a program if you have missed the first test cycle. Please follow the instructions on the online registration form.