
Integrated Services

ASTM’s products and services help you work smarter in a globally connected world. Our advanced solutions give you direct access to tools and workflow solutions to increase efficiency: saving you both time and money.

These tools include online products like:

  • ASTM Compass — providing all the ASTM standards, books, and journals you need.
  • ASTM SpecBuilder — enabling you to develop your own internal standards, standard operating procedures and specifications using our advanced online collaboration and balloting system.
  • Custom Industrial Video Production – From product demonstrations to creating custom procedural videos that demonstrate technical procedures and tests performed live.
  • Custom Platforms – Deliver your content using the ASTM Compass platform and expand your customer base.

We’ll also provide you consulting services through subject matter experts who can help you strategize and build your business.

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White Label Compass Platforms

Deliver your content using the ASTM Compass platform and provide more value to your customers through the robust tools and features only available via Compass.
Watch our new video to learn more.

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ASTM SpecBuilder

Creating and publishing your internal documents has never been easier. Built on the same intelligent standards development platform we’ve fine-tuned through years of testing and refinements, ASTM SpecBuilder is the content management tool your organization needs to get and stay ahead.
Watch our new video to learn more.

Download Free E-Book

Standards Now Featuring Multimedia

Over 300 videos have been created by our dedicated team of multimedia professionals. Working closely alongside subject matter experts, the media team develops videos for new and revised standards. Watch to learn proper execution of test methods. Add videos to your ASTM Compass subscription today. See how videos in Compass work click here.

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Custom Company Webstore

Need a better way to get your organization’s documents into the right hands but don’t know where to begin? Unleash the power of a robust document delivery service used by thousands of satisfied members and customers every day.

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Case Studies

The American Petroleum Institute

See how the American Petroleum Institute has
transformed the way they get their standards into user’s
hands with the custom ASTM-developed portal, API

View Case Study

The Plastics Pipe Institute

Learn how the Plastics Pipe Institute – the major North
American trade association representing all segments of
the plastic pipe industry – manages top processes with
ASTM SpecBuilder.

View Case Study