Emerging Technology

Standards In Emerging Technology

Across emerging technologies we believe standards offer an invaluable platform for better and deeper global collaboration. Embedding standards at the start of the research and development process accelerates commercialization and reduces costs.

Incorporating standards from the start of the development cycle transforms this dynamic – ensuring that exciting advances can quickly demonstrate their safety, reliability, quality and relevance.

The journey doesn’t stop at creating standards. Engaging with industry players, stakeholders, and innovators is essential in understanding the broader objectives and immediate needs of the tech community.

Learn more about our collaborative efforts with government, industry, academia, and consumers as we work to accelerate and advance standards to drive faster adoption and implementation for cutting-edge technologies.

Meet With an ASTM Representative

Emerging Technology Services

The technological landscape is undergoing rapid and dynamic changes. Pioneering areas such as additive manufacturing, exo technologies, unmanned aircraft, and the intricacies of robotics are reshaping industries and presenting new opportunities and challenges.

These technologies are not just fleeting trends but represent the future, requiring in-depth understanding, standardization, and expertise for safe and effective integration into the global ecosystem. As we dive into this innovative era, the importance of thorough standards and guidelines becomes even more pronounced.

By continually updating and refining our knowledge base, we can ensure that the most recent technologies are met with comprehensive standards that cater to their unique specifications. This proactive approach helps in setting benchmarks that drive excellence and safety in implementation and utilization.

Emerging Technology Advisory Services

In the ever-evolving realm of technology, ASTM has consistently been at the forefront, ensuring standards remain relevant and adaptive. Our historically robust member base has provided unparalleled technical wisdom spanning a broad spectrum of products and services.

Our technical and strategic consulting services can help your organization make rapid progress with:

  • deep analysis
  • roadmapping
  • product development workshops
  • long-term planning and investment strategy
  • business strategy
  • new product introductions and more

Additive Manufacturing Consulting Services

Additive Manufacturing

Predicted to be worth $79 billion by 2028,, additive Manufacturing is transforming how products come to life, offering unmatched design flexibility and innovation.

Yet, for this technology to reach its full potential, robust international standards are crucial. However, significant barriers to adoption and sustained commercial success remain.

Dive deep into how we’re facilitating this evolution, from our state-of-the-art Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence to exclusive market insights.

Additive Manufacturing

Exo Technology

The dawn of exo-skeletons is upon us, a fusion of human potential with technological might. Whether it’s enhancing workplace productivity or aiding medical rehabilitation, these devices hold immense promise. The role of global standards is pivotal to ensure that this technology is both safe and effective.

With the potential to reduce injuries and fatigue in the workplace, pioneers are seeing benefits from improved wellbeing and quality of work to reduced costs of worker compensation.

Meanwhile, medical devices are offering both rehabilitation and everyday mobility gains to people suffering from disabilities, illnesses, or injuries.

Explore how we’re shaping the future of wearable tech.

Exo Technology

Unmanned Aerial Systems

The skies are abuzz with the hum of drones and unmanned aircraft, signaling the future of transport. As these technologies evolve at breakneck speed, ensuring their safety becomes paramount.

Fast-paced change is also creating challenges for regulators. With drones and unmanned aircraft taking off in larger numbers, new approaches are needed to ensure the safety of busier skies. And as innovative electric aircraft bring the prospect of more affordable and sustainable urban air travel, safety standards and testing must stay in step with changing technology.

Delve into the intricate world of unmanned aerial systems and understand how international standards are paving the way for a safer, more efficient aerial future.

Unmanned Aerial Systems

Robotics & Automation

The synergy of robotics, automation, and autonomous systems is pushing boundaries and redefining possibilities. As robots find their way into diverse sectors, from autonomous vehicles to complex manipulations, having a strong foundation of standards is essential.

In the field of robotics, automation, and autonomous systems, ASTM Committee F45 has recently expanded its remit to go beyond autonomous unmanned ground vehicles (A-UGVs). New topics include robot performance and mobile manipulators (robot arms onboard autonomous vehicles).

Join us in exploring the exciting developments in this domain and the significance of cohesive international guidelines.

Robotics & Automation